ICT for ICT’s sake: Secondary teachers’ views on technology as a tool for teaching and learning

  • Adam Bertram Monash University
  • Bruce Waldrip Monash University
Keywords: ICT Education, Teacher Pedagogy


This paper reports on a study that sought to explore the pedagogical reasoning behind the use of ICT in secondary teachers’ classes. In particular, it explored the question of whether their use of ICT was driven by pedagogical ideals for meaningful learning or whether they were using technology for other purposes. Eighteen teachers from two Australian regional secondary schools were asked how they currently use and integrate ICT into their regular curriculum practices and their reasons for so doing. This paper specifically takes an evaluative look at the pedagogical reasons behind teachers' attitudes, views and reasons for using ICT as a learning vehicle. The study revealed that ICT was largely being used for ICT’s sake rather than for any convincing or meaningful pedagogical purpose.

Author Biographies

Adam Bertram, Monash University
Dr. Adam Bertram is a lecturer in the Faculty of Education. Adam's teaching commitments include preparing undergraduate and graduate students for teaching in primary and secondary schools. Before becoming a lecturer, Adam taught science, mathematics and physics for eight years at the high school level at an independent college in Victoria. During this time, he began his doctoral thesis. Adam's thesis explored the development of science teachers' specialist knowledge of teaching through developing and articulating their pedagogical content knowledge (PCK - the knowledge of teaching content in a particular way for a particular reason). This led Adam to become interested in teacher knowledge and teacher development research, particularly within the realm of science education. For his work on PCK, he has been invited to present and conduct workshops with teachers nationally and internationally. Adam's current research includes teacher development, PCK, science education and ICT education.
Bruce Waldrip, Monash University
Bruce Waldrip is an Associate Professor at Monash University. Bruce is interested in how students learn and particularly as to how reasoning assists learning. He is the recipient of nine Australian Research Council grants into learning.


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How to Cite
Bertram, A., & Waldrip, B. (2013). ICT for ICT’s sake: Secondary teachers’ views on technology as a tool for teaching and learning. Australian Educational Computing, 28(1). Retrieved from http://journal.acce.edu.au/index.php/AEC/article/view/9
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