Investigating in-service teachers' workplace TPACK development

  • Michael Phillips Monash University


Technological, pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) provides a theoretical lens which attempts to identify the nature of knowledge required by teachers for technology integration in their teaching. While there have been hundreds of studies that have used TPACK to examine what teachers need to know about technology as part of their classroom practice, there has been little research specifically investigating how we acquire this knowledge, especially in relation to in-service secondary teachers. This paper investigates workplace learning literature in an attempt to provide a theoretical grounding that will enable future investigations to examine the complex context in which professional educators develop individual knowledge within a socially mediated, participatory workplace culture. 

Author Biography

Michael Phillips, Monash University
PhD Student


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How to Cite
Phillips, M. (2013). Investigating in-service teachers’ workplace TPACK development. Australian Educational Computing, 28(2). Retrieved from
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