Exploring the multimodality of young children's coding

  • Karen Janette Murcia Curtin University
  • Kok-Sing Tang Curtin University
Keywords: young children, coding, multimodal, computational thinking


Computational thinking, which includes foundation skills such as matching, sequencing and decomposing, is increasingly becoming an educational focus with young children (Strawhacker, Lee, & Bers, 2018). This research focusses primarily on the nature of young children’s play with tangible coding technologies (TCTs) and the role of multimodal representation in their development of computational thinking. The methodology aimed to 1) engage young children with authentic and integrated technology learning and; 2) qualify multimodal representation demands and opportunities evident in young children's play with digital coding technologies. Children demonstrated computational thinking through a task where they learnt to code a robot called Cubetto. Results showed the tangible interface of the device facilitated children’s development of multimodal digital literacies. Few studies before this have focused on young children’s’ development of computational thinking through coding, therefore this research is of prime importance to the ever-growing knowledge base of digital technologies and young children.
How to Cite
Murcia, K., & Tang, K.-S. (2019). Exploring the multimodality of young children’s coding. Australian Educational Computing, 34(1). Retrieved from http://journal.acce.edu.au/index.php/AEC/article/view/208
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