Interactive whiteboards in education: A literature scoping survey

  • Candice Mariz Macquarie University
  • Jennifer Stephenson Macquarie University
  • Mark Carter Macquarie University


Interactive whiteboards are increasing in popularity and prevalence in education. A scoping survey was performed in order to ascertain the types of documents available from academic databases on the use of interactive whiteboards with school-aged children. More than half of all the identified documents were grey literature: that is, comprised of non-refereed research, descriptive articles, product descriptions, and general opinion. The remaining research-based documents were predominantly descriptive and/or qualitative. A small number of documents contained quantitative data, and these were mainly survey-based. There were few experimental studies available. The limited number of research studies contrasts with the sizeable volume of grey literature available on these technological tools. There appears to be a need for more experimental research on the purported positive outcomes of interactive whiteboard use in schools such as higher academic achievement and engagement levels.  



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How to Cite
Mariz, C., Stephenson, J., & Carter, M. (2017). Interactive whiteboards in education: A literature scoping survey. Australian Educational Computing, 32(1). Retrieved from
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