University student learning and the impact of technology on their learning

  • Darren Pullen University of Tasmania


Australian universities are increasingly turning to the use of information technology to assist in the teaching and delivery of course materials and assessments. New and improved information technologies provide a mechanism for universities to deliver to more diverse student learning needs and to students who cannot for various reasons attend traditional on-campus studies. Recognising these facets many universities have incorporated the use of learning management systems, also called content management systems, as an integral component of their teaching delivery platforms. However, very little is known about how online teaching tools directly and indirectly come to influence university student learning.  This paper reports on a cohort of teacher education students’ (N = 203) use of a course learning management system and their subsequent results in one compulsory undergraduate unit of study. Results revealed that students study mode (online or on-campus) did not affect end of unit results, but students who attended tutorials (either on-campus or online) and reviewed lecture content more than once, performed better than those who did not regardless of their study mode.

Author Biography

Darren Pullen, University of Tasmania
Dr Darren Pullen is a lecturer in Health Science and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the Faculty of Education at the University of Tasmania, Australia. His background is that of a Research Fellow and clinician in the health care and research sectors; ICT consultant and educator. Darren's research interests are in the role that STS (Science, Technology and Society) and ISR (Information Systems Research) play in contributing to our use and understanding of ICT and organisational change.


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How to Cite
Pullen, D. (2015). University student learning and the impact of technology on their learning. Australian Educational Computing, 30(1). Retrieved from
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