Embracing Digital Technologies in Classroom Practice: The Impact of Teacher Identity

  • Rosemary Claire Abbott Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak


It is often perceived that learning in 21st century classrooms will involve extensive use of digital technologies. This paper, based on a qualitative research investigation at a private girls college in Melbourne, explores the impact of teacher subjectivities on the need to change through the integration of digital technologies into classroom practice.This two-phase study involved a group of teachers who were willing to place their own practice under the microscope and to introduce digital technologies into their classrooms. A narrative approach was utilised to present the stories of these teachers and Activity Theory used as a means to analyse the data revealing the impact of teacher identity on preparedness to change.  
How to Cite
Abbott, R. (2016). Embracing Digital Technologies in Classroom Practice: The Impact of Teacher Identity. Australian Educational Computing, 31(2). Retrieved from https://journal.acce.edu.au/index.php/AEC/article/view/93
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