Analyzing the Opportunities and Challenges to Use of Information and Communication Technology Tools in Teaching-Learning Process

  • negin barat dastjerdi


The research aims at the evaluation of ICT use in teaching-learning process to the students of Isfahan elementary schools. The method of this research is descriptive- surveying. The statistical population of the study was all teachers of Isfahan elementary schools. The sample size was determined 350 persons that selected through cluster sampling method. The research tools were researcher made questioner in use of ICT in teaching-learning process which has been used after confirming its reliability and validity. The results showed that the use and the application level of ICT in teaching-learning process has a meaningful relationship with ICT equipment in schools, their Literacy and information skills (their e-readiness), and the teachers attitude to use ICT in teaching-learning process. Also, the challenges of ICT tools use have been specified in 5 levels of organizational, management, equipment-financial, attitudinal, and educational at schools.

Author Biography

negin barat dastjerdi


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How to Cite
barat dastjerdi, negin. (2016). Analyzing the Opportunities and Challenges to Use of Information and Communication Technology Tools in Teaching-Learning Process. Australian Educational Computing, 31(1). Retrieved from
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