Improving Learning Experiences Through Gamification: A Case Study

  • Benjamin Geelan
  • Kristy de Salas UTAS
  • Ian Lewis
  • Carolyn King
  • Dale Edwards
  • Aidan O'Mara


Gamified learning systems are becoming increasingly common within educational institutions, however there is a lack of understanding on the elements of gamification that influence, either positively or negatively, the learning experiences of students using these systems. This study examines an existing gamified learning tool implemented within an Australian university, and explores the aspects of this system that impact upon the student experience. It was found that positive influences included a combination of motivational and game-based elements such as presentation of content, self-efficacy of learning experiences, and feedback that positively influence students. Additionally, aspects of the system that negatively influenced learning experiences included issues such as interaction flaws and compatibility issues.


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How to Cite
Geelan, B., de Salas, K., Lewis, I., King, C., Edwards, D., & O’Mara, A. (2015). Improving Learning Experiences Through Gamification: A Case Study. Australian Educational Computing, 30(1). Retrieved from
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