The influence of gender on beginning teachers’ measurement of TPACK knowledge

  • Kathy Jordan RMIT University


TPACK is emerging as an influential framework for conceptualising teacher knowledge in regards to integrating ICT and is generating considerable international research interest.  To date, the question of whether gender plays a role in how teachers self-assess their TPACK knowledge has not figured greatly in this research.  This paper seeks to explore this possible role by using an adapted form of the Schmidt et al (2009b) instrument to survey two cohorts of beginning teachers (64 in the first cohort and 142 in the second) from Victoria, Australia.  It suggest that while both genders rate their knowledge highly, especially Content Knowledge, there are significant differences in how male and female beginning teachers rated their knowledge, with males rating their knowledge higher in both years of this study.



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How to Cite
Jordan, K. (2013). The influence of gender on beginning teachers’ measurement of TPACK knowledge. Australian Educational Computing, 28(2). Retrieved from
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