Lecturers’ perceptions and experience of integrating online videos in higher education

  • Karim Hajhashemi College of Arts, Society and Education, James Cook University, Australia
  • Nerina J. Caltabiano Discipline of Psychology, College of Healthcare Sciences, James Cook University, Australia
  • Neil Anderson College of Arts, Society and Education, James Cook University, Australia


Integrating different types of media to deliver course materials to students is increasingly ubiquitous in higher education. Among these computer and Internet-based innovations, digital educational video clips have become prominent due to their capabilities for enhancing learning and teaching, providing deeper thought processes, communication and interaction among users. Video learning has become a distinct virtual learning medium for capturing and presenting information across different modes and subjects. The present study examined the video-enhanced learning experience and perceptions of tertiary lecturers from two different discipline areas in a rural and tropical university in Australia. The paper also looked at their views and challenges in implementing or creating videos in their teaching. The findings revealed distinctive similarities and differences between two disciplines in the extent of video integration, technology literacy, and types of videos that they use.

Author Biographies

Karim Hajhashemi, College of Arts, Society and Education, James Cook University, Australia
Dr Karim Hajhashemi (corresponding author) is a researcher at James Cook University. He has completed his PhD. in Education at James Cook University in Australia and holds an MA. in Applied Linguistics and a  B.A. in English Language Translation. He has published several books and articles on various topics in Educational Technology and Educational Psychology. He is committed to high quality research in Higher Education, innovation and change in education, teacher education, digital literacy, quality teaching, teacher development, educational psychology, Educational technology and Learning Analytics. His research outputs fall within these areas and reflect his commitment and passion to education and technology.
Nerina J. Caltabiano, Discipline of Psychology, College of Healthcare Sciences, James Cook University, Australia
Associate Professor Nerina J. Caltabiano is the Fourth-Year Psychology Coordinator in the College of Healthcare Sciences, Division of Tropical Health and Medicine, James Cook University.  She is a Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society. As a Social Psychologist she publishes within the areas of social, development and educational psychology. Together with her collaborators, she has been the recipient of several grants including an Australian Rotary Health Research Fund, an Education Queensland grant, and an ARC Discovery Grant.
Neil Anderson, College of Arts, Society and Education, James Cook University, Australia
Professor Neil Anderson is an adjunct Professor in Education. He has held the distinguished Pearl Logan Chair in Rural Education at James Cook University and is a Senior Fellow in the Cairns Institute. He has held the positions of Deputy Head of School for 5 years and Acting Dean for 1 year and has received major research grants from the Australian Research Council. He served on the national selection panel for Australia's Future Fellow Scheme in 2011. He has been the recipient of awards such as the Vice Chancellor's award for research supervision, Emerald Journals Literati Award and an 'Outstanding contribution to research award' from the Australian Computer Society.


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How to Cite
Hajhashemi, K., Caltabiano, N., & Anderson, N. (2018). Lecturers’ perceptions and experience of integrating online videos in higher education. Australian Educational Computing, 33(1). Retrieved from https://journal.acce.edu.au/index.php/AEC/article/view/164
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