A Computer Assisted Intervention on Learning Strategies

  • Antonio Duarte University of Lisbon
  • Alexandra Barros University of Lisbon


The objective of this study, in the Student Approaches to Learning (SAL) perspective, was to test a computer-assisted intervention that seeks to promote awareness and self-regulation of learning strategies, aiming at improving the quality of learning. The intervention involved the use, by a sample of higher education students, of purposely developed interactive software – the PAE v.1 - which basically allows users to self-assess, recognize and self-regulate learning strategies. Pre- and post-intervention measures of the learning process and product were compared, both in general and individually, according to the experimental methodology. The results suggest that the intensive implementation of the intervention was effective in generally increasing a deep learning strategy and, in some cases, reducing a surface strategy and increasing an achieving strategy, but not significantly enough under these conditions, to improve the quality of learning. It is suggested a way of using the intervention procedure to achieve such an improvement. Keywords: interactive learning environments; multimedia/hypermedia systems; post-secondary education; teaching/learning strategies

Author Biographies

Antonio Duarte, University of Lisbon
Faculty of Psychology, Assistant Professor
Alexandra Barros, University of Lisbon
Faculty of Psychology, Assistant Professor


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How to Cite
Duarte, A., & Barros, A. (2018). A Computer Assisted Intervention on Learning Strategies. Australian Educational Computing, 33(1). Retrieved from https://journal.acce.edu.au/index.php/AEC/article/view/156
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