Stalled Innovation: Examining the technological, pedagogical and content knowledge of Australian university educators.

  • Karin Barac Griffith University
  • Sarah Prestridge Griffith University
  • Katherine main Griffith University


This paper presents a summary of the key findings of a TPACK survey adapted for a higher education context and serves as an initial sampling technique for a larger study in the design and delivery practices of academics. There are few studies that investigate how technologies are used and experienced in courses from an objective pedagogical perspective. In this first stage, a survey was implemented to understand academic perceptions of the role that technologies play in relation to their content and their pedagogies. The initial findings indicate that the connections within these domains are limited in the academic context.

Author Biography

Karin Barac, Griffith University
Karin Barac (BA, GradDip (TESOL), MEd (IT in Education and Training)) is the Blended Learning Advisor for the Arts, Education and Law Group at Griffith University.  The role works directly with academics providing support and professional development in the use of technologies in learning and teaching. She has over ten years experience in the field of online learning as a content specialist and educational designer. She is currently undertaking a PhD in investigating sustainable professional development frameworks for the implementation of successful ICT applications in Higher Education settings.


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How to Cite
Barac, K., Prestridge, S., & main, K. (2017). Stalled Innovation: Examining the technological, pedagogical and content knowledge of Australian university educators. Australian Educational Computing, 32(1). Retrieved from
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