Adopting the Six Thinking Hats to Develop Critical Thinking Abilities through LINE

  • Visara - Ekahitanond Bangkok University


Nowadays, technology allows easier access to the course activity, increasing motivation in learning.  The Six Thinking Hats are, therefore, combined with the use of social media to enhance critical thinking abilities of learners. The framework is considered to be effective in promoting motivation and encouraging interaction between learners and teachers as well as among learner peers. This study was a quasi-experimental research that compared critical thinking abilities and motivation between groups of learners being taught through small group discussions with and without the support of the Six Thinking Hats in social media respectively. The instruments in this study comprised the tests, the questionnaire, and an open-ended question. The findings indicate that students in the experimental group achieved significantly higher critical thinking abilities than those in the control group. Also, motivation was statistically found higher in the experimental group after the intervention. That is, the use of the Six Thinking Hats in LINE was more effective in improving learner motivation. The results from the open-ended reveal that the students were very satisfied with the Six Thinking Hats technique, movie clips, and the use of LINE as a learning tool. However, a few drawbacks mentioned were also useful for the improvement of future courses.

Author Biography

Visara - Ekahitanond, Bangkok University
Assistant Professor in English,Language Institute, Bangkok University


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How to Cite
Ekahitanond, V. (2018). Adopting the Six Thinking Hats to Develop Critical Thinking Abilities through LINE. Australian Educational Computing, 33(1). Retrieved from
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