The influence of the home learning environment on middle school students’ use of ICT at school

  • Darren Pullen University of Tasmania


The increasing use of information and communication technology (ICT) in schools has been largely explored in relation to student experience of coursework and school life. Students’ lives and experiences with technology beyond school have also begun to be explored. However, the nexus of the two domains is of yet an underdeveloped research area, yet anecdotally we know that technology use in either the home or school affects the other. This paper reports on a contemporary study-using structural equation modeling (SEM)- of students’ ICT use for social, leisure and school study, their attitudes towards that technology and their self-perceived competence with the technology across the domains of home and school. The study results suggest that technology usefulness and ease of use are key dimensions of students’ attitudes and acceptance towards ICT in both the home and school. Furthermore, the study found key pathway associations between different forms of technology used at home which determine the technology’s use at school and vice versa. Implications of these associations are that teachers and policy makers may use information about student technology use and technology competency to improve pedagogy and technology provision to bridge the gap between school and home.

Author Biography

Darren Pullen, University of Tasmania
Dr Darren Pullen is a lecturer in Health Science and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the Faculty of Education at the University of Tasmania, Australia. His background is that of a Research Fellow and clinician in the health care and research sectors; ICT consultant and educator. Darren's research interests are in the role that STS (Science, Technology and Society) and ISR (Information Systems Research) play in contributing to our use and understanding of ICT and organisational change.


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How to Cite
Pullen, D. (2015). The influence of the home learning environment on middle school students’ use of ICT at school. Australian Educational Computing, 30(1). Retrieved from
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