Personal Learning Environments (PLE) in the Academic Achievement of University Students

  • Maria Jesus Gallego University of Granada
  • Vanesa Maria Gamiz University of Granada


The main purpose of this research is to analyze the elements that compose the PLE of pre-service teachers and to determine whether the composition of these environments is related to academic achievement in a course on Information and Communication Technologies in Education. The hypothesis is that a PLE with more components is related to a higher level of performance (higher grade in the course) and thus acts as a predictor of student achievement. A descriptive study is carried out. We analyze the PLE(tools, applications, services, and websites) of 245 university students who are pre-service teachers. The main outcomes and results are: the variability of components is very high, although there is a tendency toward concentration on seven elements and being different according specializations; also the students with a higher number of components in their PLE obtain higher grades. Finally, we draw implications for further research and for improving teachers’ practices.

Author Biographies

Maria Jesus Gallego, University of Granada
María Jesús Gallego Arrufat has a degree in Pedagogy and received her Ph.D. from the Faculty of Education Sciences at University of Granada. Her research is focused on Educational Technology and teacher training, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Higher Education and ICT in Practicum. Specially, she is focused on Computer Mediated Communication (CMC), formative assessment with eRubrics, Personal Learning Environments (PLE), leadership and virtual communities of learning. She’s been main researcher in several research and innovation projects. Recently, she has published in “Technology, Pedagogy and Education” and also books about ICT in Education in editorials such as Pirámide (2011) and Davinci (2013). Currently, she is coordinating the Official Master on “Research and Innovation in the Curriculum and training” in the Faculty of Sciences Education at University of Granada.
Vanesa Maria Gamiz, University of Granada
Vanesa M. Gámiz Sánchez is an Engineer in Computer Sciences and she received her Ph.D. from the Department of Didactic and School Organization at University of Granada in 2009 and served as a Professor at the University of Granada from 2010. Previously, she had a scholarship from the Ministry of Education for teacher and researcher staff training. Her research is focused on e-learning and the use of ICT in educational environments, especially, in Higher Education. She has been member of the team of several projects on teaching innovation and currently she is coordinating one project about e-portfolio. Also, she has been involved in several European research projects about virtual mobility and e-learning. She has taken part in several activities for professor training at University of Granada as well.


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How to Cite
Gallego, M., & Gamiz, V. (2015). Personal Learning Environments (PLE) in the Academic Achievement of University Students. Australian Educational Computing, 29(2). Retrieved from
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