Teachers’ Skills and ICT Facilities for Science Learning at Senior High School in Padang City

  • Erman Man Har Bung Hatta University
  • Ashabul Khairi Bung Hatta University
  • Welya Roza Bung Hatta University
Keywords: Science, ICT, Skills, Teachers


The aims of this study are to determine the level of ICT accessibility outside the school related to teachers’ personal ICT development, to explore the main purpose teachers make of computers and internet utilization, to observe teachers’ attitude toward ICT, and measure teachers’ skill and their implementation of ICT in teaching science. Data was drawn randomly from 30 Senior High School teachers across Padang city with analysis presented in descriptive percentage, mean and deviation standard. The results revealed that less than half of the respondents possess computers outside the school, though more than half have internet access. The intention of internet and computer availability is to facilitate teachers access to teaching resources and to accomplish school tasks. The research reveals that teachers’ attitude toward ICT is high, in contrast, teachers’ skills in delivering learning based on ICT is low. Furthermore, teachers’ skill on ICT use in teaching science is at a modest level. The implication of this research is to recommend to upgrades teachers’ knowledge and skills in designing as well as delivering learning based on ICT. Teachers Training Institutions are recommended to redesign their curriculum and set computing as one of their compulsory subjects.  

Author Biography

Erman Man Har, Bung Hatta University
Biology education


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How to Cite
Har, E., Khairi, A., & Roza, W. (2019). Teachers’ Skills and ICT Facilities for Science Learning at Senior High School in Padang City. Australian Educational Computing, 34(1). Retrieved from http://journal.acce.edu.au/index.php/AEC/article/view/177
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